Keri Speck (937)767-8483
Amy Spurr (937)694-0842
Our massage therapists put your needs first so you feel better as soon as possible.
In order to provide you with the best experience, we will match you with the right therapist for your specific issue.
Our massage therapists can assess your needs so you get the perfect massage you'll love.
Incorporates a variety of strokes to improve circulation, reduces chronic pain, and assists in the removal of toxins by increasing lymph flow
Relaxation Massage:
soothing techniques to help sedate
nervous system and bring about a sense of wellbeing
Pre and Post Natal Massage:
Provides relief from muscle tenderness in the rapidly changing body. Fluid retention, lower back pain, sciatica, and overall stress can be improved with massage. Care up to delivery and after
Breaks up scar tissue, goes beyond the soft tissue to release built up tension deep in the muscles
Sports Massage:
For athletes young and old, a pre- and post- event massage shortens recovery time
Myofascial Release:
Trauma recovery; unwinds emotional binding by combining massage and stretching with breathing exercises to open areas of deep tension and heal old and new injuries
It's the channeling of universal white light to aid in healing. Reiki is the laying of the hands, no manipulation to the tissues. It promotes a state of total relaxation by functioning on all levels, whether it is emotional, mental, or physical. Blocked energy gets loosened up and toxins are drawn out so the body can work on repair
Pressure point therapy that addresses the organ systems of the entire body through reflex areas on the feet, ears, and hands
Enlighten your senses; organic essential oils can be added to any treatment